Notice about the company's new official website

Date:2018-06-19 Author:Zanrui

  Since the company’s inception in 2003, Shanghai ZANRAY Industrial Co., Ltd. has been growing from strength to strength. Thank you for supporting us all those years and years to come.


  In order to better service you our customers, our website has been given a major facelift and updated with new features and designs. Main focus in the website are all the safety products we offer as well as a complete set of product solutions for professional users.


  This new website became live on the 10th Sep 2018. In the interest of continuous improvement, we welcome constructive criticism and ideas for our website betterment. Your contributions are most appreciated.


  If you prefer contacting us directly please dial: 0086-21-20957100, or alternatively write to us at



Shanghai Zanray Industrial Co.,Ltd


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